Upcoming Programs

Gallery Talk with Education Coordinator Eugenia Villanueva

January 26 at 3pm

Mariposa Museum has opened our winter exhibit, “Textile Treasures of Guatemala,” at 26 Main Street in Peterborough, NH.

The exhibit draws principally from a collection of huipiles, the stunning embroidered blouses woven by Mayan women in the highlands of Guatemala.  A Peace Corps Volunteer collected these during her years in Guatemala and gave them to Mariposa when she moved west fifteen years ago.  The huipiles are woven in narrow strips on backstrap looms and then pieced together, with magnificent embroidery, a great variety of vegetal (and now synthetic) dyes, and occasional use of the ikat tie-dying technique.

We have drawn from Mariposa’s extensive collection of textiles from around the world to show other uses of ikat from countries in Southeast and Central Asia; floral embroidery traditions from Europe in contrast to those from Guatemala; and children’s clothing from the Hmong and India as well as from the Mayan peoples.  

The talk is free with museum admission.

Women of the World (WOW) Meeting

February 13th, 4:30 PM

Join us for the Women of the World meeting at the Mariposa! WOW is a place where women who live in the Monadnock region but hail from other countries can come together. WOW offers a vibrant and inclusive community where women from diverse cultural backgrounds meet to celebrate their unique heritage while forging lasting friendships and unforgettable memories, all while having fun!

Registration Is Free!

Peace Corps Reflection Circle

February 1st, 3PM

The Mariposa Museum will host a story circle at 3PM on Saturday, February 1 for returned Peace Corps Volunteers and others who’ve done similar service work.  We will share our experiences and reflect on how they changed our lives then, and how they continue to resonate for us.   The general public is welcome to join, to listen and to ask questions once those in the circle have shared.

Admission is free, donations are welcome!

U.S. Changing Leadership of the World Economy

February 6th, 7 PM

Co-moderators for the series will be Bob Beck, a retired U.S. foreign policy official who writes a column for the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript and the Brattleboro Reformer, and Peter Henriques, whose Peace Corps experience in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) led to a career in international business.  Both reside in Peterborough.

Topics, background materials, and videos for the series have been prepared by the national nonprofit, nonpartisan Foreign Policy Association.  Besides the economy, other topics will include U.S.-China relations, the rise of India, international cooperation on climate change, the future of NATO, artificial intelligence and national security, the Middle East, and American foreign policy at a crossroads.

Programs will begin at 7 p.m. at the Mariposa, 26 Main St., Peterborough, on the first Thursday, February through May, and will resume September through December after a summer break.  Each session will begin with a short video about the topic, followed by a presentation by one of the moderators and a group discussion.

 The Foreign Policy Association was founded in 1928 to develop awareness and understanding of U.S. foreign policy and informed opinion on global issues.  A magazine with in-depth articles on each topic can be ordered from https://www.fpa.org.

Stories From Both Sides: The Mexico/Arizona Border

February 22nd, 3 PM

David Blair and Lina Hervas visited the Mexico / Arizona border for ten days in October 2024 with a delegation from Community Peacemaker Teams. They will share stories, photos and learnings from their trip on both sides of the Border Wall from 3 to 4:30 PM at Mariposa Museum, 26 Main Street, Peterborough, NH. This is a free event!

This program is jointly sponsored by Project Home, which supports asylum seekers in the Monadnock Region, and Mariposa Museum, which has highlighted global migration in its programming for the past 22 years. Steve Schuch and David Blair will share two songs and invite you to sing along!